Tag Archives: friends

Untie the knots


In this systematic approach to drawing two interlocking chain links I start with a rectangle as the base shape. Pretty simple. All the action starts with the first line off of the base shape. I give these lines the value of c (clockwise) or cc (counter clockwise). I found that if half of the lines are c and the other half are cc, then when I have completed the systematic drawing of the chain links, the two chain links are not interlocked. Then I start with a base shape that has an odd number of sides: a triangle. When all the lines are c, the result is a knot. When half (rounded to the nearest whole number) are c and the remaining are cc the knot is untied… I don’t really understand how this happens or why but I can observe different patterns with varying base shapes and varying ratios of c to cc.

At Grainchek we are working hard to untie the knot of time tracking. What are the variables that affect a user’s interest in tracking time? Why do I track time inaccurately? If we adjust the parameters within Grainchek’s time tracking system what is the outcome? It’s different than observing odd and even polygons become links and knots but some of the mystery is similar!